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Myofascial Yin Yoga Arm Lines Workshop Saturday July 14th 2018

By Vivianne Barry | In PAST EVENTS

A deep, slow practice opening the Arm Lines with Vivianne

It’s been over a year since the Arm Lines workshop has been on offer. A gentle approach to opening your body, Yin yoga provides a balance to offset the vigorous Vinyasa and more dynamic styles of yoga.  Those yang approaches are essential to building strength and stamina, but they must also be complemented by a more receptive and gentle physical practice focusing on non-contractile elements such as fascia, ligaments and joint capsules.

This Masterclass will offer an intelligent yin sequence that focuses on the myofascial meridians of the Arm Lines.  Particularly the deep and superficial front and back lines around the shoulders, arms and thoracic areas, to vitalise the myofascial and TCM meridian lines and provide neural ‘flossing’ taking you on a deep connection journey into your body. 

These myofascial lines also correspond to the TCM lines of the heart, lungs and triple heater.  Enabling you to direct the stretch from fingertips all the way deep into the chest and expand into your breath.

This inward practice gives you a deep and subtle experience in your body. You can actually feel the change from contractile tissue stretching, to feeling it relax and the tension being taken up by ligaments, fascia and joint capsules.  You may have heard that you should not under any circumstances stretch ligaments. This is correct and good advice, but we should stress  them regularly with the goal of keeping them healthy.  If this is done very gently, it is very healing for the body, because it brings pressure and increased blood flow to these non-contractile tissues.

In Yin yoga the poses are held longer (3-10mins) and the stretch is subtler.  The practice focuses on deep release of connective tissue and is not aimed at building muscle strength.  It will stimulate blood flow to joint capsules, ligaments and fascia (connective tissue), so increasing general energetic wellbeing and joint health.

I felt great even though I was sore before I started and tried not to over extend like I normally do, but woke up feeling great.  It was a great class and I enjoyed the whole structure & ambience of the class.  It was easy to follow and very challenging, but enjoyable at the same time.  Thanks for the experience. ~ Kathy

WHEN:  Saturday July 14th

TIME:   3.00pm – 5.15pm

COST:   $45 pre-purchase or $50 on the day

ticket options

  • Refund less $20 admin fee given up to 1 week prior to the event
  • No refund within 1 week of event
  • Event may be transferred to another person at no cost

Suitable for all levels. Yin yoga is complementary to your more active practice – no matter what level of flexibility or resistance you may have.  Poses can be modified with the use of props to support all body types and most injuries.

Thank you for a wonderful experience on Saturday. I slept like a baby that night and woke early to see the sunrise. No pain and lots of good energy. I am still feeling great and this is so good as I had a fair share of stress last week and have been able to take the steps necessary without all the commentary that usually accompanies stressful situations. ~ Diana

The concepts of fascial meridian lines can be further explored in Thomas Myer’s Anatomy Trains research website.  Here in particular is an in-depth article on the six myofascial meridian Arm Lines that we’ll be exploring in this workshop.

Woke up at 1am after 3hrs very deep sleep, full of beans so got up and read until 4. Went back to bed and slept like a deaf, blindfolded log until 7:30!  No aches or pains today, feel great, full of energy but calmer. Feel taller and looser all over but especially in the shoulders and feet.  Feel great in fact. Really enjoyed yesterday. Thank you! ~ Anna

The work definitely helped because certain rotational movements that would cause some discomfort aren’t giving me any trouble today. I can also stretch a little deeper and extend a little further. I am so pleased with what I could do on Saturday because I had an MRI done of both shoulders in March and was told one of the injuries cannot repair without surgery. I am working towards making my shoulders resilient through careful yoga and I wasn’t sure if I was ready for intense work on them, but after doing the workshop I now know how far I can go, and it’s further than I had dared try. ~ Glennis

About Vivianne Barry

Vivianne Barry

Having completed her initial yin training with Dar Vander Hoop, Vivianne was inspired to learn more and trained with Duncan Peak and the Power Living team in an  Advanced Yin training intensive, focusing on anatomy, bio-mechanics and modern meridian theory. 

Vivianne is the founder of Yoga Circle and teaches yoga as a meditation of breath, movement and positive intention, that serves as a template for expanding awareness beyond the mat and into LIFE.  She teaches us to channel energy from around and within, to clear internal energetic pathways and so heal the body while connecting to Self and Universe. Her classes are set with the intention of a transformational mind-body experience from beginning to end.