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The Tantric approach to Menopause with Janet McGeever December 1st 2018

By Vivianne Barry | In PAST EVENTS

Learn practices for spiritual and sensual renewal 

We are honoured to host Janet McGeever, psychotherapist and author of recently released book, Tantric Sex and Menopause, to share a mindful approach to nurturing our sensual energy as we enter the peri-menopause and into the menopause years.  Janet will explain the Tantric approach to menopause: introducing concepts such as energy polarity, nervous system maintenance, slow sex and expanded experience.

The sharing circle will include readings from the book and Janet will reveal the 3 essential things that menopausal women need to know. 

Janet will then guide us through an experiential breast meditation and restorative yoga practice to take us into deep relaxation and inner connection.

You will receive a copy of of the book, Tantric Sex and Menopause, co-authored by Janet McGeever and Diana Richardson, as part of this workshop.  The book explores what women approaching menopause can expect, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It details tantric practices and tools to connect for inner self-connection and deepen a woman’s trust in her body, removing the pressure of conventional sex and setting the stage for passion and pleasure to thrive in the bedroom and beyond. The book also offers many self-help practices, exercises and meditations to reinforce a positive attitude towards menopause and overcome many of the physical and sexual problems.  To know that lovemaking is not just possible, it is incredibly fulfilling, perhaps even more so into your middle and elder years.  If you can’t make the workshop but would like to order, it’s hosted by many online bookshops including Amazon Australia – click through.

When: Saturday December 1st

Time:  2.00-5.00pm 

Cost: $60 including a signed copy of Janet’s book

Number of women

This workshop is for both single and coupled women, as it’s about raising our sensual awareness regardless of sexual activity.

Wear comfy clothes for the restorative yoga practice, bring water and a shawl/scarf for draping.  There will be time for tea & cake and sharing – so no need to rush off as Janet can sign your books and answer your questions.  The studio will be open from 1.45pm.

Please contact viv@yogacircle.com.au for more information or to make direct payment offline.

About Janet McGeever

As an educator, speaker, psychotherapist and author, I am passionate about educating and facilitating women and men to create meaningful and loving relationships in their lives. I am known for my ability to create a safe space for my clients and participants, especially in the sensitive realm of sexuality.

I have co-authored ‘Tantric Sex and Menopause’ with Diana Richardson, someone I greatly admire and who has taught me a lot. Our book was released in April 2018. Also a keynote speaker in the Health and Wellness Industry, I became a TEDxNoosa speaker in my controversial talk in 2013, on ‘Making Love’.

I have endured as much as anyone in my 57 years of living and I have now officially entered the sacred path of Grandmotherhood.  I am deeply compassionate about humanity and passionate about truth and love. Injustice can really get me fired up. And life has handed me an unexpected gift – to teach Tantra. In my experience, Tantra is the ultimate ‘undoing’. Ours is a sweet, simple and natural approach to intimate relationships, with no techniques to engage the mind, which I love, because it tenderizes me to shed all that is not love and cultivate presence within. It is ordinary, within which the extraordinary appears. It is a deep natural mystery. Through this path, I have found a way to come home to and awaken the woman within.

This is what I want for you!

Read more about Janet at www.janetmcgeever.com.

Reviews on Tantric Sex and Menopause

“A holistic, supportive paradigm to nourish your body and soul, to honor yourself and your partner, to experience real intimacy and deep love on a level previously unimaginable. The authors invite you to come home to the wisdom, power and truth of who you are.”

Brandon Bays, internationally bestselling author of The Journey and Freedom Is

“Beautifully written and sensitive book on a subject that will touch many women’s hearts with hope. It explores many areas and just reading it will give women a new sense of confidence and peace. All exercises and instructions are sensitive, gentle and doable. It is a book which gives women at this stage in their lives a variety of options for improving problems in this area. It is also a source of variety and exploration for those not experiencing any difficulties but wanting to add more depth to their relationship. It is open, encouraging and a wonderful book that gives women back their power (without any disrespect or belittling of men). An uplifting book, highly recommended for all women over 35.”

— via NetGally

“The journey of embodiment has been life changing for me. Thank you, Diana and Janet for writing this book while I embrace menopause. I could not ask for a better guidebook. This work in the realm of sexuality is truly groundbreaking, and opens up a magnificent realm of possibility and fulfillment hitherto unimaginable.”

Catherine Oxenberg, actress, author, producer and philanthropist