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    Different styles and classes for all ages and levels of fitness. Most classes are 1h15 to 1h30 hours.
    A collective of experienced and talented teachers.

  • 0400 749 392
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A weekend with Delamay Devi – 15-17 February 2019

By Vivianne Barry | In PAST EVENTS

SPACE – Elemental Prana Vinyasa TT module


PRANA VINYASA® is a full spectrum approach to embodying the flow of yoga cultivated by Shiva Rea. Students are empowered to experience prana, the universal source of breath, life-energy and conscious intelligence, as the navigating source of yoga practice and vital living.

This training is open to all levels, even if people just want to come to deepen their own practice and not necessarily teach you are welcome to join us.

Cultivate your connection to space and the integration of our elemental body. Open and strengthen your hips, hamstrings, side-waist, shoulders, core, and spine in this two-wave prana vinyasa sequence.

Live with the power of the earth, water, air, space, and inner fire through Prana Flow sequencing of “Elemental Vinyasa”. Our body is comprised of all of the elements which make up life – the food of the earth, the sacred water of our primarily fluid body, the metabolic and electrical fire of our cellular and neural network, the air which is the breath of life that nourishes every cell, and the space which primarily pervades our body.

Through the opening movement meditation, integration of bhumi, jala, agni, and hridaya namaskars with mantra, core cultivation, two wave combination of hip opening, arm balances, backbends, and standing asanas with core-activating pulsations, body and rhythmic vinyasas leading to the peak (utthita hasta padangusthasana + vaistasana) we will slowly and effectively embody the healing power of the elements.

In this module we experience:

  • The “roots and evolution of vinyasa” as created by Shiva Rea.
    Principles of Prana Flow Movement Alchemy for sequencing with the Space element.
  • Supportive hands on assists for safe alignment and full body integration.
  • A Solar and Lunar Space Elemental Prana Vinyasa practice with vinyasa karma to suit all levels.
  • Embody and practice teach the Akash (Space) Prana Vinyasa Namaskar.
  • Classical and innovative approaches to vinyasa yoga and the state of flow drawn from Krishnamacharya’s teachings.
  • Understanding the Microcosm-Macrocosm of the Elemental Body within Yoga and cross-culturally and the importance of embodying nature in our current times of ecological change.
  • Caring for the Elemental Body through Ayurvedic Dinacharya and Lifestyle (Daily and Seasonal) Rhythms.

When: 15-17 February 2019 (30 hours)

Where: Yoga Circle Studio plus local surrounds

Exchange: $675 with payment plan options






For more information and to make a booking please click through. 

Please direct all enquiries to Delamay at hello@delamaydevi.com.

Module hours: 30 contact hours that can be applied towards your Yoga Alliance certification and the 300/500hr Prana Vinyasa Teacher Training Certification with Shiva Rea and the Samudra Global School Of Yoga.

If you would like to attend for your personal experience and not part of teacher training, you are most welcome to treat this as personal yoga exploration.

About Delamay Devi

delamay_shiva_picDelamay has been on the teaching path for 20+ years! With a background in dance it was a natural progression into teach­ing yoga and delve deeper into the rhythm of the breath, the nat­ural flow of the body and the form­less­ness of med­i­ta­tion. Her journey with Shiva started back in 2007 and since then has been studying and assisting Shiva globally. Delamay is ecstatic to be offering the very first full 200HR Prana Vinyasa® Affiliate program across Australia!!!



About Shiva Rea

Movement is life for Shiva Rea, M.A, global Prana Vinyasa® teacher, activist, and innovator in the evolution of vinyasa yoga around the world from large-scale festivals and conferences to unplugged retreats. She has taught thousands of students, teachers, and movers and shakers how to integrate yoga as a way of life.

As founder of Prana Vinyasa® and Samudra Global School for Living Yoga, she integrates the roots of vinyasa, yoga, ayurveda, and tantra in creative and life-transforming online courses, workshops, retreats, and trainings. Her studies in the Krishnamacharya lineage, kalarippayatu, world dance, yogic arts, and somatic movement infuse her approach to living yoga and embodying the flow. www.shivarea.com